Ratio Studiorum Program

Quest for the Cup

The Library is a crucial part of the first-year experience. During their time at Creighton, students must learn and apply the principles of “information literacy,” which include using the library’s physical and electronic resources. They will also use the Library to study, socialize, and rejuvenate.

The Quest for the Cup introduces RSP students to the Library through a simple, open-ended treasure hunt that takes less than an hour to complete. During the quest, students visit key locations – the Circulation counter, the Research Center, and one of our study areas – and access specific library resources, including books, e-journal articles, and items on reserve. The quest is structured so that students discover these resources for themselves, with minimal explanation.

When they finish, students are rewarded with a cup in the form of a library-branded coffee mug. They leave prepared with a working knowledge of the library’s layout and resources, as well as a basic understanding of library terminology. To schedule a Quest for the Cup for your RSP students, contact the Reinert-Alumni Library!

Not a library tour ... a treasure hunt!

To schedule your RSP Quest for the Cup please use our form located at: http://creighton.libwizard.com/f/QFTC or email the Reference team at askus@5061k.com.

Reinert Alumni Memorial Library