

自2006年以来, the AWC has focused on building bridges between Asia and the West through rigorous scholarship, 学术项目, 举办公共活动, 讲座, and presentations by distinguished guests from across the globe.


Virtual Event Upcoming: 2024年4月8日

  • Topic: Global Advances in Alzheimer's and Dementia Research and Treatment>
  • 演讲者:克莱尔·塞克斯顿,哲学博士., 发言人, 高级主管, Scientific Programs and Outreach at the Alzheimer's Association, 芝加哥
  • 日期/时间:上午十一时至中午十二时. 2024年4月8日
  • 网络研讨会链接: http://creighton.zoom.us/j/99722930997?pwd=VGRvSXB1b2Z5OTB2bWJ0M0JYdEpUQT09

Access Informational Poster with QR Code: 在这里

Alzheimer's and dementia are major global health challenges, with prevalence increasing as populations age. 根据最近的估计, around 50 million people worldwide are living with dementia, and this number is projected to nearly triple by 2050. These conditions not only affect individuals but also place significant burdens on families, 护理人员, 以及全球医疗保健系统.

The 亚洲世界中心 joins 内布拉斯加州世界事务理事会 in virtually hosting Claire Sexton, DPhil.  She is senior director, Scientific Programs and Outreach at the Alzheimer’s Association. 在这个角色中, she leads research programs and initiatives to accelerate the Association’s scientific agenda.

Dr Sexton will present statistics on the global prevalence of Alzheimer's and dementia, and the latest research advances into risk reduction, early diagnosis and treatment for Alzheimer's and other dementia. Her talk will also highlight how the Alzheimer's Association is accelerating research globally through both its funding and convening of researchers.

Dr. Sexton’s bio (with her photo) is available at: http://www.alz.org/press/spokespeople/claire-sexton-dphil

Distinguished Guest Speaker Series with Dr. Bing陈: Three 事件 in the Spring of 2024

日期/时间: 5:30PM - 6:30PM, Wednesday, January 31, 2024

地点: UNO Barbara Weitz 社区 Engagement Center Room 201

Join Creighton's 亚洲世界中心, 内布拉斯加州世界事务理事会, 和电气系 & Computer Engineering at UNL for a lecture discussing urgent climate change and its humanitarian security implications, emphasizing the need for comprehensive action. Climate change is no longer distant; it’s a pressing reality affecting us all. Dr. Chen’s lecture explores this intersection, guiding us in global diplomacy to safeguard our future. This event empowers action in the face of the global crisis.

Learn more about distinguished guest speaker Dr. Bing陈.

注册链接: 点击这里

日期/时间: 2024年3月27日下午5:30 - 6:30

地点: UNO Barbara Weitz 社区 Engagement Center Room 201

Join Creighton's 亚洲世界中心, 内布拉斯加州世界事务理事会, 和电气系 & Computer Engineering at UNL for a lecture examining the various geo-engineering techniques proposed and their potential risks and benefits, 提供对道德的洞察, 环境, and geopolitical considerations that come into play. By exploring the cutting-edge research and ongoing debates in this field, the lecture invites attendees to contemplate the role of geo-engineering in shaping our planet’s future and the importance of responsible decision-making on a global scale.

Learn more about distinguished guest speaker Dr. Bing陈.

注册链接: 点击这里

日期/时间: 2024年5月1日下午5:30 - 6:30

地点: UNO Barbara Weitz 社区 Engagement Center Room 230

Join Creighton's 亚洲世界中心, 内布拉斯加州世界事务理事会, 和电气系 & Computer Engineering at UNL for a lecture exploring the critical question of 环境 stewardship and advocacy in today’s world. Through thoughtful analysis and real-world examples, this lecture encourages audiences to contemplate their own role in speaking up for the Earth and fostering a sustainable future for our planet.

Learn more about distinguished guest speaker Dr. Bing陈.

注册链接: 点击这里

来自博士的新文章. Maorong江

In "The International Relations of Proxy War: Great Power Competition Facilitates Policy Shifts in North Korea-US Relations," Dr. Jiang explores a path forward in United States policy toward the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Dr. Jiang argues that the United States has an opportunity to counter China and Russia by accepting the temporary reality of a nuclearized peninsula and focusing on drawing North Korea into the constraining regimes of the international community.

点击查看全文 在这里.

最初发表于 现代外交2023年10月9日.



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Cherry blossoms blooming in Kyoto, Japan


Lower Reinert 校友 Library L09 (Between the RadLab & 联合太平洋厅)
(402) 280-2860


Dr. Maorong江

Dr. Jinmei元

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